Wednesday, March 29, 2006


Things are still looking good for tomorrow, storm-wise. Heck, I doubt I'll even need to leave Lincoln until late morning. A fairly potent cold core low is still set to drift out of Colorado and across Nebraska tomorrow. There should be some convection in Nebraska tonight (hasn't fired yet, but it should), so I hope that all clears out in time to get things hotted up here tomorrow. That, and any lingering outflow boundaries could really toss in a wild card. There really isn't a terrible amount of energy in the atmosphere, but the largescale forcing dynamics are there.

Storm motion is going to be truckin; 35+kts to the NE. I'm not really used to chasing stuff that moves that fast, so hopefully I can keep up or at least position myself where I can close in. That probably means going well north of here so that I'll be ahead of the storms, as there's no way in heck I'll be able to catch up with them from the south.


  1. Anonymous12:57 AM

    Hey, remember that hail storm in kearney that had HUGE hail... did that set the record, or does the place in Kansas still hold it? Got any info on it?


  2. The Kearney storm's hail was big (5 inch), but the record was set in Aurora, Nebraska a couple years back. They got 7 inch hail. A good writeup about it (in PDF format) is here. I was actually on that storm, but stayed well south of the ice machine.
