Wednesday, May 17, 2006


Today's photo of the day is from Kansas City. This is an old weatherbeaten mural painted on the side of a large apartment building by the Reebok company.


  1. Oh, the days of short basketball shorts. This is a great capture; I love the colors.

  2. Anonymous11:23 PM

    Man, I've always loved this photo!

    Let's go to JAV Saturday! Let me know what Lanette says!

  3. Thanks, bucky! I thought it was interesting how what was once an advert had almost become an urban relic of sorts. It was in a really run-down part of downtown, too (what part of downtown KC isn't run down?)... almost like a window into a better past.

  4. Let's go to JAV Saturday! Let me know what Lanette says!

    I called her earlier today, but haven't heard back yet. She seemed pretty pumped about the whole drinking wine + watching falcons attack medieval knights thing, so I'm guessing she's game

  5. Actually, it's not too tough of a call, at least not at this point. Saturday looks marginal at best, though I don't mind the fact that nothing is going to be surface based (we sure had some good fun on the elevated stuff down in Kansas, eh?). What bugs me is that I'd probably need to drive to Iowa, where my cellular internet doesn't work. I'm too tethered to good radar at this point in my chasing to chase naked. :)

  6. Anonymous2:10 AM

    i know that place. great photo and angle of it.

