Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Fall in the Adirondacks

This is a lake in upstate New York. Me and my friend Josh have been on a great photo trip -- hopefully I'll have lots of material by the time I get back! :) Click to enlarge.


  1. Glad to see you're back. This is gorgeous! HRD or single?

  2. Awesome Ryan. Can't wait to see your work!


  3. Hi, Anne! This one is just a single shot. Looks a bit HDR, doesn't it? It was some crazy lighting; the sun was just peeking out of the clouds and lighting a sliver of the mountain in the distance.

  4. Anonymous2:21 PM

    you always send me postcards with no email or chat addresses so that i can never write you back. what is this "pencil" and "paper" you speak of? you know i only exist on the internet. ;)

    majoliejupiter (aim)

    i loved reading through this blog! your photos still take my breath away!
    - maya
