Here's the rest of the photos from the fun photo excursion me & Lanette took. Click any of them to enlarge them in a new window.
Below are shots of a church on top of a hill somewhere east of Lincoln and west of Omaha. Some fairly determined Catholic fellows put this one together -- the first one was blown down in a giant windstorm just after it was finished (I kid you not -- some would take that as a message, eh?), was ground up and buried, and then another one (this time built with load-bearing steel instead of just wood) erected on the old church's grave. Not by the hair of their chinny-chin-chin will this one blow down.

Lanette definately got into the act -- there's nothing too big or small for her to photograph.

Seriously, she thinks of the weirdest shots. Here she is getting a shot of the ceiling girders. A moment before this shot, she was trying to get a shot of me getting a shot of her by focusing on the reflection in the steel bowl at frame right.

And here I am pseudo-secretly taking a photo of her showing me one of her photos. Ha ha! The cable-release ninja strikes again!

Havin' some fun with the door and the entryway. Man, I dig this wideangle lens.

Lanette kickin' it by the Virgin Mary. I hear this is a local hangout for hooligans.

There was a striking radio tower just to the east of the church.

Through the tallgrass. Slapped my 50mm on for this one.

A shot of some hay bales we came across. I cloned a small number of pixels (probably like a dozen) out at left, as there was a pivot waaaaaaaay in the distance. Sinces it's art, I'm not too worried about it.

Look who's being tracked by aerial/satellite? Hi there, truck carrying something Important!

It's the attack of the fifty foot Lanette! ;)
All in all, a very fun trip, especially considering I did it all in the morning before I jotted to work. I can't wait to see what Lanette came up with -- I'll post some of it here when I get it.