Monday, December 17, 2007

Saint Mary Aldermary, City of London

HDR shot of the interior of St. Mary Aldermary in London, England. There has been a church at this site since at least 1200 A.D. This is a view to the east. John Milton, the poet, married his third wife in the church in 1663. I asked the man running the church what the story was on the slanted wall at the rear. Apparently, after the great fire of London in 1666, much of the church burned down. When they rebuilt it, there was a dispute between the city of London and the church as to where the property lines lie. The church, fed up with the city, just built the back wall directly along what they argued was their property line, figuring the city wouldn't knock the church down just to settle a dispute.

This is an "out of the way, completely normal" church in London. That is, it's a working church and is considered nothing special and definitely not a tourist destination. There are literally dozens of churches just like this, dotting the city.

Shot using a Canon EOS 20D with a Canon 10-22 EF-S lens, ISO 100, mirror lockup, tripoded, 13 shots at 1 stop bracket steps, merged and processed with Photoshop CS3.


  1. Something tells me that it won't be long before you are adding a tilt/shift lens to your arsenal.

    'Course, it would be nicer on a D5, where you don't have to give up the 1.6x F.L. multiplier.

    Looking forward to seeing your pics and hearing your stories!

  2. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Congrats and welcome back! Great pics and thanks for the HDR tutorial.

    I'm heading to London for a one week vacation and was going to take my 10-22mm and 24-105mm but was going to leave my 70-200mm at home. With the lenses, tripod/monopod, 430EX flash, batteries, etc etc, my camera bag is starting to get overloaded :) . I noticed in one of your posts that you took a 10-22mm lens ... what other lenses/equipment did you take on your trip?

    Looking forward to your other pics!
